Common Recycling Myths

Let's talk about some common recycling myths!
1) "Colored plastics aren't recyclable because they have less valuable materials. You should throw them out!" This is false! The color of the plastic has nothing to do with its recyclability. To determine if a plastic is recyclable, instead look for a How2Recycle label or a plastic #1 - #7. Learn more here.
2) "The Chelsea Solid Waste Transfer Station and the WWRA are the same thing!" Nope! We are often confused with The Solid Waste Transfer Station, whose information can be found below. Although the WWRA is next door, The Solid Waste Transfer Station is a separate entity from the WWRA and has different hours, buildings, employees, and purposes. The WWRA only accepts recyclable items. Visit their website for more information. 
3) "I live outside the city, so I can't use the WWRA's bins" OR "The WWRA charges to take your recycling." This is a myth! The WWRA’s drop off bins are free to use for all community members. We have 7 locations throughout western Washtenaw county. We do not charge to take items (see the Transfer Station myth above!)
4)"Materials Recovery Facilities like the WWRA just throw out our recyclables. They don't actually recycle them." The WWRA recycles all recyclable items collected. These items are sold as bales to recycling facilities. To learn more about where your recyclables go, click here.
5)"I should bag my recycling" OR "Thin plastics like grocery bags are recyclable" Wrong! Bagged recycling and plastic bags are NOT recyclable at the WWRA. Do NOT bag your recycling and do NOT recycle plastic grocery bags, chip bags, or thin plastic packaging.
6) "Recycling is very complicated and its so hard to find out what is and isn’t recyclable." The WWRA is here to help! Recycling is simple and integral to helping our environment. Click here for a complete list of accepted items.
If you are unsure about a specific items recyclability, message us or email