About Us
The Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) is a Non Profit Public Recycling Program that was formed in 1991 with a State Grant to help Protect Michigans Future by local residents. This Grant helped finance the construction of the 4200 square foot facility located at 8025 Werkner Road in Chelsea.
The WWRA is subsidized by a group of five local communities that work cooperatively to implement residential recycling programs in the Townships of Dexter, Lyndon, Manchester and Lima, and the City of Chelsea. The townships are served by convenient drop-off centers while the City of Chelsea has weekly Curbside Recycling pick up.
Generally speaking, we meet the last Wednesday of each month (except November) at 7 pm. April through September meetings are held at the WWRA office at the Werkner Road facility. October, December, and January through March meetings are held in the City of Chelsea offices, 305 S. Main Street.
Meeting Dates
Click here for dates, agendas, and minutes.
A Peek Inside the WWRA
Click here to see pics of all the stuff we handle!