CZWC and WWRA Featured in Local News

Chelsea Zero Waste Coalition and the WWRA were featured in the Chelsea Update and Sun Times! This year, @Chelsea Zero Waste Coalition set out with a goal of reducing waste at the Chelsea Sounds and Sights festival. In coordination with the WWRA, they diverted 413.08 pounds of waste through composting and recycling efforts. Congratulations to Chelsea Zero Waste for this effort!
238.46 lbs. of Compost collected
120 lbs of Cardboard/Paperboard
43.53 lbs. of Non-Cardboard Recyclables
11.09 lbs of nonrecyclable Plastic Film
Do you have an event that you want to be #zerowaste ? Reach out to the WWRA or Chelsea Zero Waste Coalition to see what we can do!
Read the articles below: