Why is Recycling Paper Important?
Why is recycling paper important? The WWRA's most collected recyclable is paper, with paper and cardboard making up 31.9% of our collection stream. Recycling paper plays a vital role in protecting our environment. Recycling Paper...
...Eliminates the need to harvest virgin materials. Creating paper products with virgin materials leads to habitat loss when forests are clear cut. Forests play a vital role in carbon sequestration, atmospheric cooling, and as native habitat for wildlife. By recycling your paper products, you prevent the need to clear cut more forests.
....Creates domestic jobs. According to the EPA, every 1,000 tons of recyclables creates 1.17 jobs, $65,230 wages and $9,420 tax revenues. Paper and paperboard contribute to the largest percent of recycled products by material, with 23% of the US's Municipal Solid Waste being paper.
....Reduces pollution. Recycled paper uses 33% less energy, emits 37% less greenhouse gasses, produces 49% less wastewater and 39% less solid waste than producing virgin fiber paper. Calculate your own impact using the Paper Calculator
....Reduces waste in our landfills. According to the US Department of Energy, the US produced 110,000,000 metric tons of paper and cardboard waste in 2019. Of this, 38%, or 41,800,000 metric tons was recycled. That's the equivalent of 870,830 Megalodons, 373,214 blue Whales, or 110 Empire State Buildings!