Sustainable New Year’s Habits

Happy New Year! The WWRA will be closed today. Wednesday’s curbside pickup will be moved to Thursday, January 2nd, and Thursday’s curbside pickup will be moved to Friday, January 3rd.

Start 2025 off right by beginning a new sustainable habit! Here are some Sustainable New Year's Resolutions to get you started. What sustainable resolutions are you implementing?

1) Purchase more products in recyclable packaging. Did you know that 28% of household waste is packaging? By purchasing products in recyclable packaging, you can prevent more waste from entering our landfills.
2) Reduce your use of nonrecyclable single use plastics and plastic bags. Common plastic products like straws, plates, silverware, bags, and containers are not recyclable. Instead, you can reduce your waste this year by making reusable swaps and using recyclable plastics #1 - #7
3) Avoid wishcycling! Wishcycling is when you recycle an item, and you are unsure of if it can be recycled. Many participate in wishcycling because they believe it is better to attempt to recycle an item than just throw it in the trash. No matter what the cause of wishcycling is, contaminates entering our facility costs time and money. Learn more about wishcycling here.
4) Purchase more secondhand items to divert them from the landfill.
5) Learn more about the 5R's here.
6) Get involved in local advocacy and WWRA board meetings. Click here to learn more about board meetings.
7) Perform recycling audits! Learn how to do a recycling audit here.
8) Share your sustainable practices with friends and family. Simply showing your loved ones that sustainable practices start small can help people change their habits. Share your favorite zero waste swap, your favorite resource, or teach them about what is and isn't recyclable.
9) Learn what is and isn't recyclable! Click here for a refresher and email with specific questions. Simply send us a photo of your item to make sure!
10) Stay up to date on WWRA news through our platforms:
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